06 March 2013

Long range prediction - 2016 Presidential Election

I did so well last time, I'll have at it again, this time three years and eight months in advance.
The winner of the 2016 election will be Jeb Bush.
I don't like it, but that's what I fear the owners have planned. 

update - march 31, 2014     A year later, I'm feeling better about the call.  Jeb's name is popping up with more frequency. He's keeping a low profile, not drawing any attention to himself.  I think the plan is for nobody to have a lock after the primaries followed by a brokered convention. It would be even more dramatic if Jeb did not run in the primaries and got drafted at the convention.


  1. Oh Crap - now you are getting spammed too!

  2. I think Jebby would be preferable to Hillary... insofar as anyone can be better or worse than anyone else in office nowadays....

  3. got drafted at the convention.

    Looks like that is the only possibility, though not likely. Did you ever think we would be in this predicament?

    Good grief!

  4. Looks like I missed that one by miles. I never imagined Trump would get the nomination. But I laughed at the Reagan candidacies and look how that turned out.
