09 May 2010

Biggest "Oops!" in History?

Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?


  1. No. There are a shitload of really huge oopses out there... and it's not looking much like we can really call this an oops so much as the completely foreseeable result of informed choices. Many oopses have some level of this purposeful negligence to them, but are overall much more of the nature of basic human oopses. This one has an almost space reptilian purposefulness to it.

  2. In fact, someone emailed me HuffPo's little pictorial of spectacular oopses today, and even though I feel they posted it in an effort to DIMINISH the culpability of the perps in the instant disaster, I was gratified to find the Pacific Garbage Patch topping their list of all-time greats.

  3. speakinh of space reptilians...Did you see the picture of the burning oil rig on its side just before it sank? There is a strange hole burned in the helipad.

  4. The space lizard researchers insist that the Nazis moved out of Germany at the end of WWII to here, under "Paperclip" and to Russia and to South America, that they kept up R&D on their tensor physics "Nazi Bell" and that they, running in the black, above all three branches of government, are using it as a weapon capable of this stuff now. The blue spiral gig over Norway at Nobel Time... some say WTC... some say the earthquakes. Just sayin'....

  5. Well, maybe, but HAARP doesn't seem to fit the specs... gotta have fast counter-spinning, sorta gyroscopic, things going... like Jodi Foster's craft in "Contact"... but needing a really BIG power source nearby. Of course, if they managed the zero point energy thing maybe that big a setup isn't any longer necessary.... The big problem with investigating black ops is that one must extrapolate from historic bits and whistle blower leaks, and arcane physics... plus be able to discern which psychic's information is cogent and which is blather. So many variables. So little time.

  6. have you run across the stuff from Fulford yet? Interesting stuff.
